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Of the Debian system management tools, apt-cache is perhaps one of the lesser known commands. Here, we look at some of the facilities that apt-cache provides. If you’re managing any Debian (or Debian-derived) systems, this is a command worth being aware of.

The apt-cache command is part of the apt package, and will (or should) be installed on all Debian systems. It examines the package cache on the system, but it does not make changes to the system (other than possibly updating the package cache), and thus most uses of apt-cache do not require the user to be root.

We’ll look here at the following commands provided by apt-cache:

  • depends and rdepends
  • policy
  • search
  • stats

apt-cache depends and apt-cache rdepends

Like most distributions, Debian has a concept of package dependencies whereby package A requires package B to be installed.  Debian can also suggest or recommend additional packages which, whilst not essential, may enhance the functionality of a given package. The Debian GNU/Linux FAQ defines the exact meanings of depends, suggests, etc.

The normal package dependency may be examined with the  apt-cache depends command:

$ apt-cache depends vim 
 Depends: vim-common 
 Depends: vim-runtime 
 Depends: libacl1 
 Depends: libc6 
 Suggests: vim-doc 
 Suggests: vim-scripts

Above, we can see that the vim editor depends on the vim-common package (amongst others). We can also see the “suggested” packages as well.

The rdepends (“reverse dependencies”) command looks at this from the other perspective, and lists packages that, in turn, depend on the vim package. Whereas vim requires all the packages listed by the depends command in order to run, it doesn’t require any of the rdepends packages:

$ apt-cache rdepends vim
Reverse Depends:

So, if you install vim-vimoutliner, you’ll need to have vim installed as well. By default, Debian will automatically install required dependencies when installing a package.

The output here is slightly misleading in that apt-cache includes packages that suggest vim, not just that depend on vim, as we can see here:

$ apt-cache depends byobu
 |Depends: debconf
  Breaks: <byobu-extras>
  Suggests: vim

Some packages are incompatible with others, and here we can see that the byobu package “breaks” byobu-extras. In this particular case, the-extraspackage is now provided by byobu itself and thus should not be installed as a separate package.

apt-cache policy

The apt-cache policy command shows which versions of a package apt knows about, which version is installed (if any), and which version would be installed if an install or update were done. It takes into account any package pinnings defined in the /etc/apt/preferences file (or /etc/apt/preferences.d/* files):

$ apt-cache policy chromium
  Installed: 57.0.2987.98-1~deb8u1 
  Candidate: 61.0.3163.100-1~deb9u1 
  Version table: 
     61.0.3163.100-1~deb9u1 500 
        500 http://security.debian.org stretch/updates/main amd64 Packages 
 *** 57.0.2987.98-1~deb8u1 500 
        100 /var/lib/dpkg/status

Here we can see that an outdated version of the Chromium browser is installed. Looking at the major version numbers, we can see at the top that version 57 is installed, and that the system knows about, and would install, version 61 if we were to run an update or reinstall.

Further down, we can see that version 61 is a security release. The three asterisks mark the currently installed version, which is not found in any currently defined repository.

When multiple versions of a package are available for installation, as above, Debian allows packages to be “pinned” to a given version (or source). For example, we can ensure that Chromium remains at the current version by putting the following in the /etc/apt/preferences file:

Package: chromium
Pin: version 57.0.2987.98-1~deb8u1
Pin-Priority: 600

We can use apt-cache policy to confirm that the preferences file is having the desired effect:

$ apt-cache policy chromium
  Installed: 57.0.2987.98-1~deb8u1
  Candidate: 57.0.2987.98-1~deb8u1
  Version table:
     61.0.3163.100-1~deb9u1 500
        500 http://security.debian.org stretch/updates/main amd64 Packages
 *** 57.0.2987.98-1~deb8u1 600
        100 /var/lib/dpkg/status

apt-cache search

The apt-cache search command will search package names and, by default, descriptions for the regular expression passed on the command line. Here we search for all of the words ‘directory’, ‘tree’ and ‘color’ or ‘colour’:

$ apt-cache search directory tree colou?r
dirdiff - Display and merge changes between two directory trees
libgtkextra-3.0 - useful set of widgets for creating GUI's for GTK+
knews - Graphical threaded news reader
texlive-latex-extra - TeX Live: LaTeX additional packages
tree - displays an indented directory tree, in color
vfu - A versatile text-based filemanager
basilisk2 - 68k Macintosh emulator

apt-cache stats

The apt-cache search command simply lists package cache stats. Here’s beginning of the output:

$ apt-cache stats
Total package names: 67236 (1,345 k)
Total package structures: 67263 (2,960 k)
  Normal packages: 51809
  Pure virtual packages: 536
  Single virtual packages: 5749
  Mixed virtual packages: 591
  Missing: 8578
Total distinct versions: 54280 (4,342 k)
Total distinct descriptions: 106424 (2,554 k)
Total dependencies: 343831/91632 (8,343 k)
Total ver/file relations: 57486 (1,380 k)
Total Desc/File relations: 40888 (981 k)
Total Provides mappings: 9733 (234 k)
Total globbed strings: 152535 (3,278 k)
Total slack space: 22.1 k
Total space accounted for: 25.8 M


From Debian Stretch (9), some of the functionality of apt-cache is also provided by the apt command, so for example:

$ apt policy vim
  Installed: 2:8.0.0197-4
  Candidate: 2:8.0.0197-4+deb9u1
  Version table:
     2:8.0.0197-4+deb9u1 500
        500 http://mirror.tiger-computing.wbp/debian stretch/main amd64 Packages
 *** 2:8.0.0197-4 100
        100 /var/lib/dpkg/status

As always, the man page holds the details of all the commands and switches. For me, the apt-cache policy command is probably the most useful apt-cache command, but the others have their place too.

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